EarlySail launches new service to create custom AI Chatbots

Chatbots are computer programs that mimic conversation with people using artificial intelligence. In particular, Retail and Financial services industry are increasingly taking advantage of mobile and artificial intelligence to scale up, get work done faster, and provide a better user experience.

Examples of AI chatbots include simple Question and Answer (FAQ or Q&A) at one end, and complex business logic and personalization driven user experiences that are integrated with CRM tools on the other.

EarlySail supports custom chatbots on the following messaging platforms:

  • Facebook Messenger
  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams
  • WebEx
  • Zoom
  • WhatsApp and SMS  (via providers such as Twilio)

EarlySail supports integration with the following cognitive services and AI tool providers

  • Microsoft Cognitive Services
  • IBM Watson
  • Amazon Lex
  • Open AI

Contact us at info@earlysail.com  to explore your chatbot needs or please provide the information below

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Revolutionize Customer Engagement with Chatbots Powered by Generative AI

    April 26, 2023 by · Leave a Comment
    Filed under: EarlySail Corporate 

    As an Independent Software Vendor (ISV), staying ahead of the curve when it comes to technological advancements is paramount. One of the latest trends is the use of chatbots in various industries, powered by Generative AI, including OpenAI and ChatGPT. With the increasing demand for personalized experiences and the need for 24/7 customer support, chatbots offer an excellent solution for businesses to improve their customer service and engagement.

    EarlySail is excited to announce that we now support chatbots powered by Generative AI, including OpenAI, to enable our clients to offer intelligent and intuitive interactions with their customers. Here are some use cases that can be built by our solution providers:

    1. Customer Support: One of the most popular use cases for chatbots is customer support. By using Generative AI, chatbots can understand customers’ queries and provide instant responses to their questions. This use case is particularly useful for industries that require continuous customer support, such as retail, healthcare, and banking.
    2. Lead Generation: Chatbots can also help generate leads by initiating conversations with customers and gathering information about their needs and preferences. This information can then be used to create personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with the customer’s interests.
    3. Appointment Scheduling: Chatbots can assist in scheduling appointments by identifying available time slots and booking appointments on behalf of the customer. This use case is particularly useful for industries such as healthcare and beauty services.
    4. Sales Assistance: Chatbots can also be used to provide sales assistance by recommending products and services to customers based on their interests and preferences. This use case is particularly useful for e-commerce and retail industries.
    5. Educational and Training Services: Chatbots can be used to provide educational and training services by answering questions and providing information to students or trainees. This use case is particularly useful for online courses and training programs.

    Overall, incorporating chatbots powered by Generative AI, including OpenAI, can help businesses improve their customer engagement and satisfaction. As an ISV, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that help our clients stay ahead of the competition and meet their customers’ evolving needs.

    EarlySail Powers Smart City Mobile Application for New Delhi Municipal Government

    February 22, 2015 by · Leave a Comment
    Filed under: EarlySail Corporate, Mobile Apps 

    “NDMC PleaseFix” is a smart city citizen engagement application developed by EarlySail for Municipal Governments. The application enables citizens to instantly report any Complaints/Issues to civic authorities from their smartphones.

    Why PleaseFix?

    EarlySail’s PleaseFix is unique project of its kind which leverages low-cost technology, crowd sourcing, and the power of cloud computing to empower citizens, government, and media to take better decisions and prioritize actions.

    It replaces a paper-form based process that is opaque and often not traceable. Paper-based issue submissions are not  able to capture pictures, videos or provide precise location tracking. Finally, current processes are not real-time.

    Smartphones today are ubiquitous. PleaseFix leverages this reach to greatly expand opportunities for citizen engagement by providing an easy to use application that is always with them wherever they go.

    It helps more efficient use of government resources by shining a spotlight on issues of most interest to citizens.

    The application  is available in the Google Play Store. Mobile Applications for other platforms will be available soon.

    NDMC PleaseFix provides a platform where a user can use their smartphone to provide a real-time report from the grievance location on an issue that they would like to bring to the authorities attention. The user takes a picture, describes the issue, taps on their location and submits the issue for resolution. The smartphone automatically captures the time of reporting and the exact location of the issue using built in location capture such as via GPS. The application supports adding comments and closing reported issues. If network coverage is not available, the application will queue the report for later submission.

    The authorities are provided a dashboard where they can view the exact location of the reported issue on a map.  Officials are alerted as soon as a progress report is filled, and they can view all the reported issues and related data in a single map-driven interface. Officials can view pictures, location data, and progress notes from any device. They can verify the issue and assign it for further action and track the issue till it is resolved. The application will provide updates to citizens through the application whenever status of their reported issue changes.
    EarlySail's NDMC PleaseFix Citizen Engagement Application


    Founded in 2004, EarlySail Software is a technology firm that specializes in innovative use of emerging technology for solving real-world issues.

    Our mobile-data collection practice can be used to create other custom solutions for your specific project. Contact us at info@www.earlysail.com  to explore how we can help you in meeting your goals.

    Press Coverage:

    EarlySail celebrates 10th Anniversary

    October 26, 2014 by · Leave a Comment
    Filed under: EarlySail Corporate 

    EarlySail thanks its employees, customers, partners, alumni  and vendors as it celebrates ten years of service this week



    It has been a privilege to work with you to launch innovative products and service and we look forward to continuing to exceed your expectations.

    EarlySail Partners with RafikiSoft to deliver a mobile CRM and ERP Platform for the Base of the Pyramid

    More than  2.7 billion people live on $2 or less a day, a group often referred to as the Bottom or Base of the Pyramid.  RafikiSoft was founded in 2013 to develop enterprise quality and mobile friendly business management solutions for last-mile distribution companies who provide goods and service targeted to this group. Examples include solar lights, stoves, water filter and drip irrigation system.

    EarlySail is pleased to be the technology partner to deliver on this promise.  The IT platform is now in use in Tanzania, Myanmar and Indonesia. It provides a web and mobile friendly interface.  GIS and SMS integration is built-in to the platform.  Dedicated apps for Android and IOS are also available.


    Contact Us to deliver your IT projects.

    More information on Rafikisoft

    EarlySail Delivers Real-time Mobile Messaging Apps for Telco affiliate

    The world’s most popular mobile messaging apps such as WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE, Viber are fast displacing SMS as the real-time communication application of choice.  The largest, WhatsApp, was recently purchased by Facebook for a staggering US $19 billion.

    EarlySail has long had specialized expertise in building cross-platform real-time messaging applications based on the XMPP and MQTT protocols.

    We are pleased to announce our contribution in delivering mobile messaging applications for an affiliate of one of the world’s largest mobile carriers. The application supports 1-1 chat, group chat, media sharing, status updates, and contact book synchronization.

    Ask us how we can help you realize your mobile messaging aspirations.

    EarlySail is a specialized provider of Mobile Messaging apps.

    Some popular mobile messaging applications. Photo credit Álvaro Ibáñez (Creative Commons)

    EarlySail Releases Hindi Input App, Diary for Android and BlackBerry

    January 25, 2013 by · Leave a Comment
    Filed under: Android, BlackBerry App World, Mobile Apps 

    EarlySail has released a new app called  Hindi Diary which allows users to type in Hindi on their Android and BlackBerry 10 smartphones.

    Users can save diary entries in Hindi and English and they are saved with date and time.

    They can share their thoughts in  Hindi  with friends via Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS, WhatsApp and other social media tools by typing Hindi directly in the application using a Hindi Keyboard.

    Download it from:  Google Play


    Powered by EarlySail: Monster.com Apps for Job Seekers & Employers

    February 1, 2012 by · Leave a Comment
    Filed under: Android, Blackberry, Mobile Apps, Super App, Wireless 

    EarlySail Monster AppsEarlySail is pleased to have helped Monster.com  in the development of the Monster Apps for Job Seekers and Employers.  Ask Us how we can develop your mobile Apps for all the popular smartphone platforms  today!

    Monster Jobs  lets you search for jobs on your phone and get real time alerts.  The app integrates with the popular Blackberry Messenger (BBM) for social sharing of jobs with your friends. Monster for Employers gives you the ability to hire the “right candidate” with Monsters “Magic Search” technology. It also allows you to post jobs and check applications.

    Powered by EarlySail Monster Jobs Mobile AppEarlySail Monster Jobs Mobile App


    Powered by EarlySail: InfoEdge Launches Naukri.com App for iPhone

    January 20, 2012 by · Leave a Comment
    Filed under: Android, Blackberry, EarlySail Corporate, iOS, iPad, iPhone 

    EarlySail is pleased to have helped Naukri.com  in the development of the Naukri.com App for the iPhone®.  Ask Us how we can develop your mobile Apps for all the popular smartphone platforms  today!


    With over 200,000 jobs at any given time, and more than 35,000 active recruiters, keep your Job Search active with Naukri.com. Search & Apply for Jobs anywhere, anytime with the Naukri.com App for your iPhone®. Customize and receive  jobs matching your profile. Keep your job search confidential and your Naukri profile up-to-date with your latest achievements.


    EarlySail’s Social Polling Mobile App Wins BlackBerry BBM Hackathon

    EarlySail Wins BlackBerry BBM Hackathon

    EarlySail Team Members Rashmi (middle) and Ajay (right) with Research in Motion's Naresh Parmar (left).

    EarlySail is pleased to announce that its social polling mobile application “Friends Choose” was the winner at the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) Hackathon that concluded in Gurgaon on January 13th.

    Leveraging the power of BlackBerry Messenger, the application allows a BBM user to quickly create polls and invite their friends to participate in the poll via BBM. The results are shared via BBM when the poll ends.  The unique feature of the application is that it requires no server and no registration and is therefore infinitely scalable .  Any BBM enabled user can create polls and get the opinion of their friends in real-time in a structured fashion.

    The application has uses in the enterprise as well as colleagues and supervisors can be polled on any pressing item in a structured manner.

    EarlySail team members Rashmi Puri Dang and Ajay Singh coded the application in approximately 36 hours.  EarlySail expects to release the production version of the winning application in the coming weeks.

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