Engagement Models
EarlySail offers flexible engagement models:
Fixed Bid/ Per Project
In this model, a fixed set of requirements are documented by the Customer and EarlySail provides a fixed quote, milestones and schedules for the work . Milestones are linked to payment schedules.
Time & Materials
Customer drives tasks and their priority, and is invoiced for the number of hours spent on the work at a pre-agreed hourly rate and frequency.
Dedicated/ Development Center (ODC)
In an ODC (or Dedicated Team model), specific resources at the EarlySail are dedicatedly to the Customer. This EarlySail team acts as an extension of the customers team. ODC can be supplemented by the other two engagement models when short term or specialized requirements emerge.
Consulting and Retainer Model
EarlySail has deep domain expertise in the areas of our specialization. In this model, we are able to provide other ISVs or development companies consulting services under the Retainer model.  Our Customer agrees to pay for a certain minimum number of hours per week. EarlySail commits to providing services “on call” and with a guaranteed response time.  If the number of hours used exceeds the Retainer amount in any particular month, then Customer is billed for the excess.